Juliette Reinders Folmer

Juliette Reinders Folmer is an all round consultant and web-developer who tries not be a geek. Juliette is a long-standing member of PHPWomen which helped her immensely to find her feet in the PHP world. She is ZCE, actively contributes to a number of open source projects, is the creator of the PHP Cheatsheets website, gives IT training and speaks at conferences when given the chance. She loves it when you give her a chance to refactor spaghetti-code to something elegant and maintainable.
Juliette is self-employed and based in the Netherlands.
Talk: Don't work for PHPCS, make PHPCS work for you
Congratulations! Your team has chosen a coding standard to use and you’re well on your way to a consistent code style for all your projects. But… there are some extra things you’d like to check for, some rules you really can’t be bothered with and some which sort of fit your needs, but not completely. Now what?
Come and learn how to make the PHP Codesniffer work for you and how to streamline the PHPCS related work-flow along the way.
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