Matt Brunt

Matt Brunt is a Senior Software Engineer with Viva IT where he leads and mentors a team of developers. Helping them to learn and grow into their full potential.
In his spare time, he’s an organiser for the PHP East Midlands user group, and the PHP East Midlands yearly Unconference. When not tinkering with code he can be found reading comics, flying quadcopters, fighting monsters in dungeons and dragons, or drinking tea and eating jaffa-cakes.
Talk: Content Security Policies: Let's Break Stuff
Content Security Policies are another tool we should have in our security toolbelt to help protect users of our sites. In this session I’ll cover what they are, why they’re needed, how they work and the limitations on what they can & cannot do to protect users.
I’ll demo attacks a CSP will block, break things, show what the different CSP directives & options will do and introduce some of the tools available to help with implementing a CSP on your sites!
Schedule | Speakers